Standard Library Container Wrappers

Generates cython wrapper classes and converter functions for standard library containters to the associated python types.

This module is available as an xdress plugin by the name xdress.stlwrap.

author:Anthony Scopatz <>

C++ STL Wrapper API

class xdress.stlwrap.XDressPlugin[source]

This class provides extra type functionality for xdress.

The __init__() method may take no arguments or keyword arguments.

xdress.stlwrap.genfiles(template, fname='temp', pxdname=None, testname=None, pyxheader=None, pxdheader=None, testheader=None, package='..', ts=None, verbose=False)[source]

Generates all cython source files needed to create the wrapper.

xdress.stlwrap.genpxd(template, header=None, ts=None)[source]

Returns a string of a pxd file representing the given template.

xdress.stlwrap.genpxd_map(t, u, ts)[source]

Returns the pxd snippet for a set of type t.

xdress.stlwrap.genpxd_set(t, ts)[source]

Returns the pxd snippet for a set of type t.

xdress.stlwrap.genpxd_vector(t, ts)[source]

Returns the pxd snippet for a vector of type t.

xdress.stlwrap.genpyx_map(t, u, ts)[source]

Returns the pyx snippet for a map of type <t, u>.

xdress.stlwrap.genpyx_set(t, ts)[source]

Returns the pyx snippet for a set of type t.

xdress.stlwrap.genpyx_vector(t, ts)[source]

Returns the pyx snippet for a vector of type t.

xdress.stlwrap.gentest(template, header=None, package='..', ts=None)[source]

Returns a string of a test file representing the given template.

xdress.stlwrap.gentest_map(t, u, ts)[source]

Returns the test snippet for a map of type t.

xdress.stlwrap.gentest_set(t, ts)[source]

Returns the test snippet for a set of type t.

xdress.stlwrap.gentest_vector(t, ts)[source]

Returns the test snippet for a set of type t.

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