Source code for xdress.stlwrap

"""Generates cython wrapper classes and converter functions for standard library
containters to the associated python types.

This module is available as an xdress plugin by the name ``xdress.stlwrap``.

:author: Anthony Scopatz <>

C++ STL Wrapper API
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import pprint

from .utils import newoverwrite, newcopyover, ensuredirs, indent, indentstr, \
    RunControl, NotSpecified
from .plugins import Plugin
from .typesystem import TypeSystem

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: 
    basestring = str

testvals = {
    'char': ["m", "e", "t", "l"],
    'str': ["Aha", "Take", "Me", "On"], 
    'int32': [1, 42, -65, 18], 
    'bool': [True, False, False, True], 
    'uint32': [1, 65, 4294967295, 42],
    'float32': [1.0, 42.42, -65.5555, 18],
    'float64': [1.0, 42.42, -65.5555, 18],
    'complex128': [1.0, 42+42j, -65.55-1j, 0.18j],

for t, tval in list(testvals.items()):
    testvals[('set', t, 0)] = list(map(set, [tval, tval[::-1], tval[::2]*2, 
    testvals[('vector', t, 0)] = [tval, tval[::-1], tval[::2]*2, tval[1::2]*2]

items = list(testvals.items())
for t, tval in items:
    tval = list(map(tuple, tval)) if isinstance(tval[0], list) else tval
    tval = list(map(frozenset, tval)) if isinstance(tval[0], set) else tval
    for u, uval in items:
        testvals[('map', t, u, 0)] = [dict(zip(tval, uval)), 
                                      dict(zip(tval[::-1], uval[::-1])), 
                                      dict(zip(tval[::2]*2, uval[::2]*2)),
                                      dict(zip(tval[1::2]*2, uval[1::2]*2))]
del t, u, tval, uval, items

# Sets

_pyxset = '''# Set{clsname}
cdef class _SetIter{clsname}(object):
    cdef void init(self, cpp_set[{ctype}] * set_ptr):
        cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator * itn = <cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator *> malloc(sizeof(set_ptr.begin()))
        itn[0] = set_ptr.begin()
        self.iter_now = itn

        cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator * ite = <cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator *> malloc(sizeof(set_ptr.end()))
        ite[0] = set_ptr.end()
        self.iter_end = ite

    def __dealloc__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator inow = deref(self.iter_now)
        cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator iend = deref(self.iter_end)
        if inow != iend:
            pyval = {c2pyrtn}
            raise StopIteration

        return pyval

cdef class _Set{clsname}:
    def __cinit__(self, new_set=True, bint free_set=True):
        cdef {ctype} s
        cdef cpp_set[{ctype}] * set_ptr

        # Decide how to init set, if at all
        if isinstance(new_set, _Set{clsname}):
            self.set_ptr = (<_Set{clsname}> new_set).set_ptr
        elif isinstance(new_set, np.generic) and np.PyArray_DescrFromScalar(new_set).type_num == {set_cython_nptype}:
            # scalars are copies, sadly not views, so we need to re-copy
            if self.set_ptr == NULL:
                self.set_ptr = new cpp_set[{ctype}]()
            np.PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(new_set, &set_ptr)
            self.set_ptr[0] = set_ptr[0]
        elif hasattr(new_set, '__iter__') or \\
                (hasattr(new_set, '__len__') and
                hasattr(new_set, '__getitem__')):
            self.set_ptr = new cpp_set[{ctype}]()
            for value in new_set:
                s = {py2crtn}
        elif bool(new_set):
            self.set_ptr = new cpp_set[{ctype}]()

        # Store free_set
        self._free_set = free_set

    def __dealloc__(self):
        if self._free_set:
            del self.set_ptr

    def __contains__(self, value):
        cdef {ctype} s
        if {isinst}:
            s = {py2crtn}
            return False

        if 0 < self.set_ptr.count(s):
            return True
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return self.set_ptr.size()

    def __iter__(self):
        cdef _SetIter{clsname} si = _SetIter{clsname}()
        return si

    def add(self, value):
        cdef {ctype} v
        v = {py2crtn}

    def discard(self, value):
        cdef {ctype} v
        if value in self:
            v = {py2crtn}

class Set{clsname}(_Set{clsname}, collections.Set):
    """Wrapper class for C++ standard library sets of type <{humname}>.
    Provides set like interface on the Python level.

    new_set : bool or set-like
        Boolean on whether to make a new set or not, or set-like object
        with values which are castable to the appropriate type.
    free_set : bool
        Flag for whether the pointer to the C++ set should be deallocated
        when the wrapper is dereferenced.

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "set([" + ", ".join([repr(i) for i in self]) + "])"

[docs]def genpyx_set(t, ts): """Returns the pyx snippet for a set of type t.""" t = kw = dict(clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], humname=ts.humanname(t)[1], ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), pytype=ts.cython_pytype(t), cytype=ts.cython_cytype(t),) fpt = ts.from_pytypes[t] kw['isinst'] = " or ".join(["isinstance(value, {0})".format(x) for x in fpt]) c2pykeys = ['c2pydecl', 'c2pybody', 'c2pyrtn'] c2py = ts.cython_c2py('inow', t, existing_name="deref(inow)", cached=False) kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(c2pykeys, c2py)]) py2ckeys = ['py2cdecl', 'py2cbody', 'py2crtn'] py2c = ts.cython_py2c("value", t) kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(py2ckeys, py2c)]) kw['set_cython_nptype'] = ts.cython_nptype(('set', t, 0)) return _pyxset.format(**kw)
_pxdset = """# Set{clsname} cdef class _SetIter{clsname}(object): cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator * iter_now cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator * iter_end cdef void init(_SetIter{clsname}, cpp_set[{ctype}] *) cdef class _Set{clsname}: cdef cpp_set[{ctype}] * set_ptr cdef public bint _free_set """
[docs]def genpxd_set(t, ts): """Returns the pxd snippet for a set of type t.""" return _pxdset.format(clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t))
_testset = """# Set{clsname} def test_set_{fncname}(): s = {stlcontainers}.Set{clsname}() s.add({0}) assert_true({0} in s) assert_true({2} not in s) s = {stlcontainers}.Set{clsname}([{0}, {1}, {2}]) assert_true({1} in s) assert_true({3} not in s) """
[docs]def gentest_set(t, ts): """Returns the test snippet for a set of type t.""" t = if t not in testvals: return "" return _testset.format(*[repr(i) for i in testvals[t]], clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], fncname=ts.cython_functionname(t)[1], stlcontainers=ts.stlcontainers) # # Maps #
_pyxmap = '''# Map({tclsname}, {uclsname}) cdef class _MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname}(object): cdef void init(self, cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}] * map_ptr): cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator * itn = <cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator *> malloc(sizeof(map_ptr.begin())) itn[0] = map_ptr.begin() self.iter_now = itn cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator * ite = <cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator *> malloc(sizeof(map_ptr.end())) ite[0] = map_ptr.end() self.iter_end = ite def __dealloc__(self): free(self.iter_now) free(self.iter_end) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator inow = deref(self.iter_now) cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator iend = deref(self.iter_end) {tc2pydecl.indent8} if inow != iend: {tc2pybody.indent12} pyval = {tc2pyrtn} else: raise StopIteration inc(deref(self.iter_now)) return pyval cdef class _Map{tclsname}{uclsname}: def __cinit__(self, new_map=True, bint free_map=True): cdef pair[{tctype}, {uctype}] item cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}] * map_ptr {tpy2cdecl.indent8} {upy2cdecl.indent8} # Decide how to init map, if at all if isinstance(new_map, _Map{tclsname}{uclsname}): self.map_ptr = (<_Map{tclsname}{uclsname}> new_map).map_ptr elif isinstance(new_map, np.generic) and np.PyArray_DescrFromScalar(new_map).type_num == {map_cython_nptype}: # scalars are copies, sadly not views, so we need to re-copy if self.map_ptr == NULL: self.map_ptr = new cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}]() np.PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(new_map, &map_ptr) self.map_ptr[0] = map_ptr[0] elif hasattr(new_map, 'items'): self.map_ptr = new cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}]() for key, value in new_map.items(): {tpy2cbody.indent16} {upy2cbody.indent16} item = pair[{tctype}, {uctype}]({tpy2crtn}, {upy2crtn}) self.map_ptr.insert(item) elif hasattr(new_map, '__len__'): self.map_ptr = new cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}]() for key, value in new_map: {tpy2cbody.indent16} {upy2cbody.indent16} item = pair[{tctype}, {uctype}]({tpy2crtn}, {upy2crtn}) self.map_ptr.insert(item) elif bool(new_map): self.map_ptr = new cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}]() # Store free_map self._free_map = free_map def __dealloc__(self): if self._free_map: del self.map_ptr def __contains__(self, key): cdef {tctype} k {tpy2cdecl.indent8} if {tisnotinst}: return False {tpy2cbody.indent8} k = {tpy2crtn} if 0 < self.map_ptr.count(k): return True else: return False def __len__(self): return self.map_ptr.size() def __iter__(self): cdef _MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname} mi = _MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname}() mi.init(self.map_ptr) return mi def __getitem__(self, key): cdef {tctype} k cdef {uctype} v {tpy2cdecl.indent8} {uc2pydecl.indent8} if {tisnotinst}: raise TypeError("Only {thumname} keys are valid.") {tpy2cbody.indent8} k = {tpy2crtn} if 0 < self.map_ptr.count(k): v = deref(self.map_ptr)[k] {uc2pybody.indent12} return {uc2pyrtn} else: raise KeyError def __setitem__(self, key, value): {tpy2cdecl.indent8} {upy2cdecl.indent8} cdef pair[{tctype}, {uctype}] item {tpy2cbody.indent8} {upy2cbody.indent8} item = pair[{tctype}, {uctype}]({tpy2crtn}, {upy2crtn}) if 0 < self.map_ptr.count({tpy2crtn}): self.map_ptr.erase({tpy2crtn}) self.map_ptr.insert(item) def __delitem__(self, key): cdef {tctype} k {tpy2cdecl.indent8} if key in self: {tpy2cbody.indent12} k = {tpy2crtn} self.map_ptr.erase(k) class Map{tclsname}{uclsname}(_Map{tclsname}{uclsname}, collections.MutableMapping): """Wrapper class for C++ standard library maps of type <{thumname}, {uhumname}>. Provides dictionary like interface on the Python level. Parameters ---------- new_map : bool or dict-like Boolean on whether to make a new map or not, or dict-like object with keys and values which are castable to the appropriate type. free_map : bool Flag for whether the pointer to the C++ map should be deallocated when the wrapper is dereferenced. """ def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "{{" + ", ".join(["{{0}}: {{1}}".format(repr(key), repr(value)) for key, value in self.items()]) + "}}" '''
[docs]def genpyx_map(t, u, ts): """Returns the pyx snippet for a map of type <t, u>.""" t = u = kw = dict(tclsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], uclsname=ts.cython_classname(u)[1], thumname=ts.humanname(t)[1], uhumname=ts.humanname(u)[1], tctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), uctype=ts.cython_ctype(u), tpytype=ts.cython_pytype(t), upytype=ts.cython_pytype(u), tcytype=ts.cython_cytype(t), ucytype=ts.cython_cytype(u),) tisnotinst = ["not isinstance(key, {0})".format(x) for x in ts.from_pytypes[t]] kw['tisnotinst'] = " and ".join(tisnotinst) tc2pykeys = ['tc2pydecl', 'tc2pybody', 'tc2pyrtn'] tc2py = ts.cython_c2py('inow_first', t, existing_name="deref(inow).first", cached=False) kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(tc2pykeys, tc2py)]) uc2pykeys = ['uc2pydecl', 'uc2pybody', 'uc2pyrtn'] uc2py = ts.cython_c2py("v", u, cached=False, existing_name="deref(self.map_ptr)[k]") kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(uc2pykeys, uc2py)]) tpy2ckeys = ['tpy2cdecl', 'tpy2cbody', 'tpy2crtn'] tpy2c = ts.cython_py2c("key", t) kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(tpy2ckeys, tpy2c)]) upy2ckeys = ['upy2cdecl', 'upy2cbody', 'upy2crtn'] upy2c = ts.cython_py2c("value", u) kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(upy2ckeys, upy2c)]) kw['map_cython_nptype'] = ts.cython_nptype(('map', t, u, 0)) return _pyxmap.format(**kw)
_pxdmap = """# Map{tclsname}{uclsname} cdef class _MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname}(object): cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator * iter_now cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator * iter_end cdef void init(_MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname}, cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}] *) cdef class _Map{tclsname}{uclsname}: cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}] * map_ptr cdef public bint _free_map """
[docs]def genpxd_map(t, u, ts): """Returns the pxd snippet for a set of type t.""" t = u = return _pxdmap.format(tclsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], uclsname=ts.cython_classname(u)[1], thumname=ts.humanname(t)[1], uhumname=ts.humanname(u)[1], tctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), uctype=ts.cython_ctype(u),)
_testmap = """# Map{tclsname}{uclsname} def test_map_{tfncname}_{ufncname}(): m = {stlcontainers}.Map{tclsname}{uclsname}() uismap = isinstance({5}, Mapping) m[{0}] = {4} m[{1}] = {5} import pprint pprint.pprint(m) assert_equal(len(m), 2) if uismap: for key, value in m[{1}].items(): print(key, value, {5}[key]) if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): assert{array}_equal(value, {5}[key]) else: assert_equal(value, {5}[key]) else: assert{array}_equal(m[{1}], {5}) m = {stlcontainers}.Map{tclsname}{uclsname}({{{2}: {6}, {3}: {7}}}) assert_equal(len(m), 2) if uismap: for key, value in m[{2}].items(): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): print(key, value, {6}[key]) assert{array}_equal(value, {6}[key]) else: assert_equal(value, {6}[key]) else: assert{array}_equal(m[{2}], {6}) n = {stlcontainers}.Map{tclsname}{uclsname}(m, False) assert_equal(len(n), 2) if uismap: for key, value in m[{2}].items(): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): assert{array}_equal(value, {6}[key]) else: assert_equal(value, {6}[key]) else: assert{array}_equal(m[{2}], {6}) # points to the same underlying map n[{1}] = {5} if uismap: for key, value in m[{1}].items(): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): assert{array}_equal(value, {5}[key]) else: assert_equal(value, {5}[key]) else: assert{array}_equal(m[{1}], {5}) """
[docs]def gentest_map(t, u, ts): """Returns the test snippet for a map of type t.""" t = u = if t not in testvals or u not in testvals: return "" ulowt = u ulowu = u while ulowu[-1] == 0: ulowt, ulowu = ulowu[-3:-1] a = '_array' if ulowt == 'vector' else '' a += '_almost' if ulowu not in ['str', 'char'] else '' if a != '' and "NPY_" not in ts.cython_nptype(ulowu): return "" return _testmap.format(*[repr(i) for i in testvals[t] + testvals[u][::-1]], tclsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], uclsname=ts.cython_classname(u)[1], tfncname=ts.cython_functionname(t)[1], ufncname=ts.cython_functionname(u)[1], array=a, stlcontainers=ts.stlcontainers) # # Vectors #
_pyxvector = """# {ctype} vector """
[docs]def genpyx_vector(t, ts): """Returns the pyx snippet for a vector of type t.""" t = kw = dict(ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), ) return _pyxvector.format(**kw)
_pxdvector = """# {ctype} vector """
[docs]def genpxd_vector(t, ts): """Returns the pxd snippet for a vector of type t.""" t = kw = dict(ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), ) return _pxdvector.format(**kw)
_testvector = """# Vector {clsname} """
[docs]def gentest_vector(t, ts): """Returns the test snippet for a set of type t.""" t = if ('vector', t, 0) in testvals: s = _testvector.format(*[repr(i) for i in testvals['vector', t, 0]], clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1]) else: s = "" return s # # Controlers #
_pyxheader = """################### ### WARNING!!! ### ################### # This file has been autogenerated # Cython imports from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref from cython.operator cimport preincrement as inc from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free from libc.string cimport memcpy from libcpp.string cimport string as std_string from libcpp.utility cimport pair from cimport map as cpp_map from libcpp.set cimport set as cpp_set from libcpp cimport bool as cpp_bool from libcpp.vector cimport vector as cpp_vector from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION # Python Imports import collections cimport numpy as np import numpy as np np.import_array() cimport {extra_types} # Cython Imports For Types {cimports} # Imports For Types {imports} if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3: basestring = str # Dirty ifdef, else, else preprocessor hack # see cdef extern from *: cdef void emit_ifpy2k "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 //" () cdef void emit_ifpy3k "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 //" () cdef void emit_else "#else //" () cdef void emit_endif "#endif //" () """ def genpyx(template, header=None, ts=None): ts = ts or TypeSystem() """Returns a string of a pyx file representing the given template.""" pyxfuncs = dict([(k[7:], v) for k, v in globals().items() \ if k.startswith('genpyx_') and callable(v)]) pyx = _pyxheader if header is None else header with ts.swap_stlcontainers(None): import_tups = set() cimport_tups = set() for t in template: for arg in t[1:]: ts.cython_import_tuples(arg, import_tups) ts.cython_cimport_tuples(arg, cimport_tups) imports = "\n".join(ts.cython_import_lines(import_tups)) cimports = "\n".join(ts.cython_cimport_lines(cimport_tups)) pyx = pyx.format(extra_types=ts.extra_types, cimports=cimports, imports=imports) for t in template: pyx += pyxfuncs[t[0]](*t[1:], ts=ts) + "\n\n" return pyx _pxdheader = """################### ### WARNING!!! ### ################### # This file has been autogenerated # Cython imports from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref from cython.operator cimport preincrement as inc from libcpp.string cimport string as std_string from libcpp.utility cimport pair from cimport map as cpp_map from libcpp.set cimport set as cpp_set from libcpp.vector cimport vector as cpp_vector from libcpp cimport bool as cpp_bool from libc cimport stdio from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION from cpython.ref cimport PyTypeObject, Py_INCREF, Py_XDECREF # Python Imports cimport numpy as np # Local imports cimport {extra_types} cimport numpy as np # Cython Imports For Types {cimports} """
[docs]def genpxd(template, header=None, ts=None): """Returns a string of a pxd file representing the given template.""" ts = ts or TypeSystem() pxdfuncs = dict([(k[7:], v) for k, v in globals().items() \ if k.startswith('genpxd_') and callable(v)]) pxd = _pxdheader if header is None else header with ts.swap_stlcontainers(None): cimport_tups = set() for t in template: for arg in t[1:]: ts.cython_cimport_tuples(arg, cimport_tups, set(['c'])) cimports = "\n".join(ts.cython_cimport_lines(cimport_tups)) pxd = pxd.format(extra_types=ts.extra_types, cimports=cimports) for t in template: pxd += pxdfuncs[t[0]](*t[1:], ts=ts) + "\n\n" return pxd
_testheader = '''"""Tests the part of stlconverters that is accessible from Python.""" ################### ### WARNING!!! ### ################### # This file has been autogenerated from __future__ import print_function from unittest import TestCase import nose from import assert_equal, assert_not_equal, assert_raises, raises, \\ assert_almost_equal, assert_true, assert_false, assert_in from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal import os import numpy as np from collections import Container, Mapping from {package} import {stlcontainers} ''' _testfooter = '''if __name__ == '__main__': '''
[docs]def gentest(template, header=None, package='..', ts=None): """Returns a string of a test file representing the given template.""" ts = ts or TypeSystem() testfuncs = dict([(k[8:], v) for k, v in globals().items() \ if k.startswith('gentest_') and callable(v)]) test = _testheader if header is None else header test = test.format(stlcontainers=ts.stlcontainers, package=package) for t in template: test += testfuncs[t[0]](*t[1:], ts=ts) + "\n\n" test += _testfooter return test
[docs]def genfiles(template, fname='temp', pxdname=None, testname=None, pyxheader=None, pxdheader=None, testheader=None, package='..', ts=None, verbose=False): """Generates all cython source files needed to create the wrapper.""" ts = ts or TypeSystem() # munge some filenames fname = fname[:-4] if fname.endswith('.pyx') else fname pxdname = fname if pxdname is None else pxdname pxdname = pxdname + '.pxd' if not pxdname.endswith('.pxd') else pxdname testname = 'test_' + fname if testname is None else testname testname = testname + '.py' if not testname.endswith('.py') else testname fname += '.pyx' pyx = genpyx(template, pyxheader, ts=ts) pxd = genpxd(template, pxdheader, ts=ts) test = gentest(template, testheader, package, ts=ts) newoverwrite(pyx, fname, verbose) newoverwrite(pxd, pxdname, verbose) newoverwrite(test, testname, verbose) # # XDress Plugin #
[docs]class XDressPlugin(Plugin): """This class provides extra type functionality for xdress.""" requires = ('xdress.base', 'xdress.extratypes', 'xdress.dtypes') defaultrc = RunControl( stlcontainers=[], #stlcontainers_module='stlcontainers', # Moved to base plugin make_stlcontainers=True, ) rcdocs = { "stlcontainers": "List of C++ standard library containers to wrap.", "make_stlcontainers": ("Flag for enabling / disabling creating the " "C++ standard library container wrappers."), } def update_argparser(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--make-stlcontainers', action='store_true', dest='make_stlcontainers', help="make C++ STL container wrappers") parser.add_argument('--no-make-stlcontainers', action='store_false', dest='make_stlcontainers', help="don't make C++ STL container wrappers") def setup(self, rc): print("stlwrap: registering C++ standard library types") ts = rc.ts # register dtypes for t in rc.stlcontainers: if t[0] == 'vector' and t[1] not in rc.dtypes: rc.dtypes.append(t[1]) ts.register_numpy_dtype(t[1]) def execute(self, rc): if not rc.make_stlcontainers: return print("stlwrap: generating C++ standard library wrappers & converters") fname = os.path.join(rc.packagedir, rc.stlcontainers_module) ensuredirs(fname) testname = 'test_' + rc.stlcontainers_module testname = os.path.join(rc.packagedir, 'tests', testname) ensuredirs(testname) genfiles(rc.stlcontainers, fname=fname, testname=testname, package=rc.package, ts=rc.ts, verbose=rc.verbose)