Abstract Syntax Tree Parsers


This module creates abstract syntax trees using external tools (GCC-XML, pycparser) of C/C++ code.

author:Anthony Scopatz <scopatz@gmail.com>

AST Parsers API

class xdress.astparsers.ParserPlugin[source]

This is a base plugin for tools that wish to wrap parsing. It should not be used directly.

The __init__() method may take no arguments or keyword arguments.


Remember to call super() on subclasses!


Remember to call super() on subclasses!

requires = ('xdress.base',)

This plugin requires ‘xdress.base’.

xdress.astparsers.clang_parse(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Use clang to parse a file.

Parameters :

filename : str

The path to the file.

includes: list of str, optional :

The list of extra include directories to search for header files.

defines: list of str, optional :

The list of extra macro definitions to apply.

undefines: list of str, optional :

The list of extra macro undefinitions to apply.

extra_parser_args : list of str, optional

Further command line arguments to pass to the parser.

verbose : bool, optional

Flag to display extra information while describing the class. Ignored.

debug : bool, optional

Flag to enable/disable debug mode. Currently ignored.

builddir : str, optional

Ignored. Exists only for compatibility with gccxml_describe.

language : str

Valid language flag.

clang_includes : list of str, optional

clang-specific includes paths.

Returns :

tu : libclang TranslationUnit object


Clears all function memoizations for autodescribers.

xdress.astparsers.dumpast(filename, parsers, sourcedir, includes=(), defines=('XDRESS', ), undefines=(), verbose=False, debug=False, builddir='build')[source]

Prints an abstract syntax tree to stdout.

xdress.astparsers.gccxml_parse(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Use GCC-XML to parse a file. This function is automatically memoized.

Parameters :

filename : str

The path to the file.

includes : list of str, optional

The list of extra include directories to search for header files.

defines : list of str, optional

The list of extra macro definitions to apply.

undefines : list of str, optional

The list of extra macro undefinitions to apply.

extra_parser_args : list of str, optional

Further command line arguments to pass to the parser.

verbose : bool, optional

Flag to display extra information while describing the class.

debug : bool, optional

Flag to enable/disable debug mode.

builddir : str, optional

Location of – often temporary – build files.

clang_includes : ignored

Returns :

root : XML etree

An in memory tree representing the parsed file.

xdress.astparsers.pick_parser(file_or_lang, parsers)[source]

Determines the parse to use for a file.

Parameters :

file_or_lang : str

The path to the file OR a valid language flag.

parsers : str, list, or dict, optional

The parser / AST to use to use for the file. Currently ‘clang’, ‘gccxml’, and ‘pycparser’ are supported, though others may be implemented in the future. If this is a string, then this parser is used. If this is a list, this specifies the parser order to use based on availability. If this is a dictionary, it specifies the order to use parser based on language, i.e. {'c' ['pycparser', 'gccxml'], 'c++': ['gccxml', 'pycparser']}.

Returns :

parser : str

The name of the parser to use.

xdress.astparsers.pycparser_parse(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Use pycparser to parse a file. This functions is automatically memoized.

Parameters :

filename : str

The path to the file.

includes : list of str, optional

The list of extra include directories to search for header files.

defines : list of str, optional

The list of extra macro definitions to apply.

undefines : list of str, optional

The list of extra macro undefinitions to apply.

extra_parser_args : list of str, optional

Further command line arguments to pass to the parser.

verbose : bool, optional

Flag to display extra information while describing the class.

debug : bool, optional

Flag to enable/disable debug mode.

builddir : str, optional

Location of – often temporary – build files.

clang_includes : ignored

Returns :

root : AST

A pycparser abstract syntax tree.

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