XDress is an automatic wrapper generator for C/C++ written in pure Python. Currently, xdress may generate Python bindings (via Cython) for C++ classes, functions, and certain variable types. It also contains idiomatic wrappers for C++ standard library containers (sets, vectors, maps). In the future, other tools and bindings will be supported.
The main enabling feature of xdress is a dynamic type system that was designed with the purpose of API generation in mind.
Release highlights:
- C++ template class & function support
- Automatic docstring generation via dOxygen
- A complete type system implementation refactor
- Wrapped names may be different than source names, allowing automatic PEP-8-ification
- A plethora of useful bug fixes
Please visit the website for more information: http://xdress.xyz/
Ask questions on the mailing list: xdress@googlegroups.com
Download the code from GitHub: http://github.com/xdress/xdress
XDress is free & open source (BSD 2-clause license) and requires Python 2.7, NumPy 1.5+, Cython 0.19+, and optionally GCC-XML, pycparser, dOxygen, and lxml.
The most requested feature following SciPy 2013 was full and complete support for C++ templates. It is here! Template instantiations are now automatically discovered, described, and wrapped. The only exception to this is that template member functions are not automatically discovered due to a defect in GCC-XML. Template methods must, therefore, be added by hand in a sidecar file. See the FAQ for more details.
A new plugin called xdress.doxygen has been added which automatically scrapes the source code for documentation using dOxygen. These are then automatically inserted as docstrings into the wrappers that are generated. These docstrings follow the numpydoc convention.
The type system has undergone a complete reactor to make it more user-friendly and expose a lot of its internals. Previously, the type system was a collection of functions and module-level private containers. All of this has been moved into a new TypeSystem class whose attributes and methods are almost all public. This enables a number of potentially useful features.
As a consequence, most other parts of xdress must now hold a reference to a type system object. Before, it was sufficient to import the type system module.
A new named tuple class apiname has been added. This allows for a broader selection of how users can choose to write names in the classes, functions, and variables list in the run control file. Possible options now include:
from xdress.utils import apiname
classes = [
(srcname, srcfile,),
(srcname, srcfile, tarfile,),
(srcname, srcfile, tarfile, tarname),
[srcname, srcfile, tarfile, tarname],
{'srcname': a, 'srcfile': b, 'tarfile': c, 'tarname': d},
apiname(srcname, srcfile, tarfile, tarname),
This allows the target name (ie the name in the wrapper) to be distinct from the name that is in the C/C++ source code (ie the source name). This is very useful for customizing APIs because xdress takes care of the mapping for you!
A new plugin called xdress.pep8names has been added which ensures that all target names for API elements are PEP-8 compliant for that type. If the target name is not PEP-8 complaint then it converts it to a compliant version for you. Subversive? That’s the point! Functions and variables are converted to lowercase_with_underscores while classes are converted to CapCase.
Sometimes autoall will expose too much. To avoid certain API elements while still automatically finding other names, the xdress.descfilter plugin allows you to skip methods, attributes, and types that the you doesn’t feel are appropriate to expose. This is also a useful stop-gap for data types that have not yet been implemented into the xdress type system.
Through the power and magic of the argcomplete package, all arguments and options for all plugins now have tab-completion enabled in BASH. Install argcomplete and then add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file:
# Enable completion for xdress
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete xdress)"
If you are interested in using xdress on your project (and need help), contributing back to xdress, starting up a development team, or writing your own code generation plugin tool, please let us know. Participation is very welcome!
An * indicates a first time contributor.