SciPy 2013 Tutorial AbstractΒΆ

title:Let’s Wrap C++ Together
author:Scopatz, Anthony, The University of Chicago & NumFOCUS, Inc.
bio:Anthony Scopatz is a Research Scientist at the FLASH Center at the University of Chicago as well as being the treasurer for NumFOCUS. With interests spanning the domains of science and computation, Anthony is probably just your type of guy.
submission type:
description:Our tools just keep getting better and better. One of the best things about Python is its ability to function as a super glue language. This tutorial will teach participants about how to glue C++ and Python together in a natural and easy way. The first half of this tutorial will be a lecture (with examples) on the Cython and xdress tools. The second half will be a hands-on workshop where the participants and the instructor will jointly work through real world examples. Participants are encouraged to bring their own codes and problems to the workshop portion. The participants can dramatically increase the chance of their code base being being examined by emailing the instructor prior to the course.
  • Getting Started (10 min): Making sure everyone has the software installed.

  • Exposing to Python (10 min): a basic discussion of the Python C API and how it works.

  • Wrapping and Auto-Wrapping Ecosystem (10 min): What is the state of the art?

    • Weave
    • SWIG
    • Boost::Python
  • Cython (45 min):

    • Language Basics
    • Cython & C++
  • xdress (45 min)

    • type system
    • STL Containers
    • Auto-wrapping C++
  • Workshop (2 +/- dt hours)

package list:CPython, C++ compiler, Cython, NumPy, XDress

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