NumPy DTypes Plugin

Generates numpy dtypes for C/C++ classes and structs and other types.

This module is available as an xdress plugin by the name xdress.dtypes.

author:Anthony Scopatz <>

NumPy Dtypes Wrapper API

class xdress.dtypes.XDressPlugin[source]

This class provides numpy dtype functionality for xdress.

The __init__() method may take no arguments or keyword arguments.

xdress.dtypes.genfiles(types, fname='dtypes', pxdname=None, testname=None, pyxheader=None, pxdheader=None, testheader=None, package='..', ts=None, verbose=False)[source]

Generates all cython source files needed to create the numpy dtype wrapper.

xdress.dtypes.genpxd(types, header=None, ts=None)[source]

Returns a string of a pxd file representing the given dtypes.

xdress.dtypes.genpxd_dtype(t, ts)[source]

Returns the pxd snippet for a dtype of type t.

xdress.dtypes.genpyx_dtype(t, ts)[source]

Returns the pyx snippet for a dtype of type t.

xdress.dtypes.gentest(types, header=None, package='..', ts=None)[source]

Returns a string of a test file representing the given types.

xdress.dtypes.gentest_dtype(t, ts)[source]

Returns the test snippet for a set of type t.

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