Source code for xdress.utils

"""Helpers for xdress.

:author: Anthony Scopatz <>

Utilities API
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import io
import re
import ast
import sys
import glob
import functools
from copy import deepcopy
from pprint import pformat
from collections import Mapping, Iterable, Hashable, Sequence, namedtuple
from hashlib import md5
from warnings import warn

    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

    from enum import Enum, IntEnum
except ImportError:
    from ._enum import Enum, IntEnum

import numpy as np

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    basestring = str

"""Default run control file name."""

DEFAULT_PLUGINS = ('xdress.autoall', 'xdress.cythongen', 'xdress.stlwrap')
"""Default list of plugin module names."""

FORBIDDEN_NAMES = frozenset(['del', 'global'])

[docs]def warn_forbidden_name(forname, inname=None, rename=None): """Warns the user that a forbidden name has been found.""" msg = "found forbidden name {0!r}".format(forname) if inname is not None: msg += " in {0!r}".format(inname) if rename is not None: msg += ", renaming to {0!r}".format(rename) warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
[docs]def indent(s, n=4, join=True): """Indents all lines in the string or list s by n spaces.""" spaces = " " * n lines = s.splitlines() if isinstance(s, basestring) else s lines = lines or () if join: return '\n'.join([spaces + l for l in lines if l is not None]) else: return [spaces + l for l in lines if l is not None]
[docs]class indentstr(str): """A special string subclass that can be used to indent the whol string inside of format strings by accessing an ``indentN`` attr. For example, ``s.indent8`` will return a copy of the string s where every line starts with 8 spaces.""" def __getattr__(self, key): if key.startswith('indent'): return indent(self, n=int(key[6:])) return getattr(super(indentstr, self), key)
class Arg(IntEnum): NONE = 0 TYPE = 1 LIT = 2 VAR = 3 def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return
[docs]def expand_default_args(methods): """This function takes a collection of method tuples and expands all of the default arguments, returning a set of all methods possible.""" methitems = set() for mkey, mval in methods: mname, margs = mkey[0], mkey[1:] mrtn = mval['return'] mdefargs = mval['defaults'] havedefaults = [arg is not Arg.NONE for arg in margs] if any(havedefaults): # expand default arguments n = havedefaults.index(True) items = [((mname,)+tuple(margs[:n]), mrtn)] + \ [((mname,)+tuple(margs[:i]), mrtn) for i in range(n+1,len(margs)+1)] methitems.update(items) else: # no default args methitems.add((mkey, mrtn)) return methitems
_bool_literals = {'true': True, 'false': False} _c_literal_int = re.compile(r'^([+-]?([1-9][0-9]*|0o?[0-7]+|0x[0-9a-f]+|' r'0b[01]+|0))u?(l{1,2})?u?$') _c_int_bases = {'0x': 16, '0o': 8, '0b': 2, '0': 8, '00': 8, '01': 8, '02': 8, '03': 8, '04': 8, '05': 8, '06': 8, '07': 8} _c_float = re.compile(r'^([+-]?([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?)([lf]?)$') _c_float_types = {'': float, 'f': np.float32, 'l': np.longfloat}
[docs]def c_literal(s): """Convert a C/C++ literal to the corresponding Python value.""" s = s.strip() try: # ast.literal_eval isn't precisely correct, since there are Python # literals which aren't valid C++, but it is close enough and faster # than the custom code below in the common case. return ast.literal_eval(s) except (ValueError, SyntaxError): pass if s in _bool_literals: return _bool_literals[s] lo = s.lower() m = _c_literal_int.match(lo) if m: base = _c_int_bases.get([:2], 10) return int(, base) m = _c_float.match(lo) if m: return _c_float_types[]( raise ValueError('unknown literal: {0!r}'.format(s))
[docs]def newoverwrite(s, filename, verbose=False): """Useful for not forcing re-compiles and thus playing nicely with the build system. This is acomplished by not writing the file if the existsing contents are exactly the same as what would be written out. Parameters ---------- s : str string contents of file to possible filename : str Path to file. vebose : bool, optional prints extra message """ if os.path.isfile(filename): with, 'rb') as f: old = if s == old: return with, 'wb') as f: f.write(s.encode()) if verbose: print(" wrote " + filename)
[docs]def newcopyover(f1, f2, verbose=False): """Useful for not forcing re-compiles and thus playing nicely with the build system. This is acomplished by not writing the file if the existsing contents are exactly the same as what would be written out. Parameters ---------- f1 : str Path to file to copy from f2 : str Path to file to copy over vebose : bool, optional prints extra message """ if os.path.isfile(f1): with, 'r') as f: s = return newoverwrite(s, f2, verbose)
[docs]def writenewonly(s, filename, verbose=False): """Only writes the contents of the string to a file if the file does not exist. Useful for not tocuhing files. Parameters ---------- s : str string contents of file to possible filename : str Path to file. vebose : bool, optional prints extra message """ if os.path.isfile(filename): return with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(str(s)) if verbose: print(" wrote " + filename)
[docs]def ensuredirs(f): """For a file path, ensure that its directory path exists.""" d = os.path.split(f)[0] if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d)
[docs]def touch(filename): """Opens a file and updates the mtime, like the posix command of the same name.""" with, 'a') as f: os.utime(filename, None)
[docs]def isvardesc(desc): """Tests if a description is a variable-type description.""" return desc is not None and 'type' in desc and 'signatures' not in desc and \ 'methods' not in desc
[docs]def isfuncdesc(desc): """Tests if a description is a function-type description.""" return desc is not None and 'signatures' in desc
[docs]def isclassdesc(desc): """Tests if a description is a class-type description.""" return desc is not None and 'parents' in desc
[docs]def exec_file(filename, glb=None, loc=None): """A function equivalent to the Python 2.x execfile statement.""" with, 'r') as f: src = exec(compile(src, filename, "exec"), glb, loc) # # Run Control #
[docs]class NotSpecified(object): """A helper class singleton for run control meaning that a 'real' value has not been given.""" def __repr__(self): return "NotSpecified"
NotSpecified = NotSpecified() """A helper class singleton for run control meaning that a 'real' value has not been given."""
[docs]class RunControl(object): """A composable configuration class for xdress. Unlike argparse.Namespace, this keeps the object dictionary (__dict__) separate from the run control attributes dictionary (_dict).""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Parameters ------------- kwargs : optional Items to place into run control. """ self._dict = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self._updaters = {} def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self._dict: return self._dict[key] elif key in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[key] elif key in self.__class__.__dict__: return self.__class__.__dict__[key] else: msg = "RunControl object has no attribute {0!r}.".format(key) raise AttributeError(msg) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key.startswith('_'): self.__dict__[key] = value else: if value is NotSpecified and key in self: return self._dict[key] = value def __delattr__(self, key): if key in self._dict: del self._dict[key] elif key in self.__dict__: del self.__dict__[key] elif key in self.__class__.__dict__: del self.__class__.__dict__[key] else: msg = "RunControl object has no attribute {0!r}.".format(key) raise AttributeError(msg) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def __repr__(self): keys = sorted(self._dict.keys()) s = ", ".join(["{0!s}={1!r}".format(k, self._dict[k]) for k in keys]) return "{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, s) def _pformat(self): keys = sorted(self._dict.keys()) f = lambda k: "{0!s}={1}".format(k, pformat(self._dict[k], indent=2)) s = ",\n ".join(map(f, keys)) return "{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, s) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._dict or key in self.__dict__ or \ key in self.__class__.__dict__ def __eq__(self, other): if hasattr(other, '_dict'): return self._dict == other._dict elif isinstance(other, Mapping): return self._dict == other else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if hasattr(other, '_dict'): return self._dict != other._dict elif isinstance(other, Mapping): return self._dict != other else: return NotImplemented def _update(self, other): """Updates the rc with values from another mapping. If this rc has if a key is in self, other, and self._updaters, then the updaters value is called to perform the update. This function should return a copy to be safe and not update in-place. """ if hasattr(other, '_dict'): other = other._dict elif not hasattr(other, 'items'): other = dict(other) for k, v in other.items(): if v is NotSpecified: pass elif k in self._updaters and k in self: v = self._updaters[k](getattr(self, k), v) setattr(self, k, v)
[docs]def parse_global_rc(): '''Search a global xdressrc file and parse if it exists. If nothing is found, an empty RunControl is returned.''' home = os.path.expanduser('~') globalrcs = [os.path.join(home, '.xdressrc'), os.path.join(home, ''), os.path.join(home, '.config', 'xdressrc'), os.path.join(home, '.config', ''), ] rc = RunControl() for globalrc in globalrcs: if not os.path.isfile(globalrc): continue globalrcdict = {} exec_file(globalrc, globalrcdict, globalrcdict) rc._update(globalrcdict) return rc
_lang_exts = { 'c': 'c', 'c++': 'cpp', 'f': 'f77', 'fortran': 'f77', 'f77': 'f77', 'f90': 'f90', 'python': 'py', 'cython': 'pyx', } _head_exts = { 'c': 'h', 'c++': 'hpp', 'f': 'h', 'fortran': 'h', 'f77': 'h', 'f90': 'h', 'python': None, 'cython': 'pxd', } _exts_lang = { 'c': 'c', 'h': 'c', 'cc': 'c++', 'cpp': 'c++', 'hpp': 'c++', 'cxx': 'c++', 'hxx': 'c++', 'c++': 'c++', 'h++': 'c++', 'f': 'f77', 'f77': 'f77', 'f90': 'f90', 'py': 'python', 'pyx': 'cython', 'pxd': 'cython', 'pxi': 'cython', } _hdr_exts = frozenset(['h', 'hpp', 'hxx', 'h++', 'pxd']) _src_exts = frozenset(['c', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'c++', 'f', 'f77', 'f90', 'py', 'pyx'])
[docs]def guess_language(filename, default='c++'): """Try to guess a files' language from its extention, defaults to C++.""" ext = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower() lang = _exts_lang.get(ext, default) return lang
[docs]def find_source(basename, sourcedir='.', language=None): """Finds a source filename, header filename, language name, and language source extension given a basename and source directory.""" if isinstance(basename, list): files = [ os.path.abspath(x) for x in basename ] elif os.path.isabs(basename): files = [ basename ] else: files = os.listdir(sourcedir) files = [f for f in files if f.startswith(basename + '.')] langs = dict([(f, guess_language(f, None)) for f in files]) lang = src = hdr = srcext = None for f, l in langs.items(): ext = f.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] if ext in _hdr_exts: hdr = f elif ext in _src_exts and (src is None or l != 'python'): lang = l src = f srcext = ext if src is None and hdr is not None: src = hdr lang = langs[hdr] srcext = _lang_exts[lang] if language is not None and language is not NotSpecified: lang = language return src, hdr, lang, srcext
[docs]def find_filenames(srcname, tarname=None, sourcedir='src', language=None): """Returns a description dictionary for a class or function implemented in a source file and bound into a target file. Parameters ---------- srcname : str File basename of implementation. tarname : str, optional File basename where the bindings will be generated. srcdir : str, optional Source directory. Returns ------- desc : dict Description dictionary containing only filenames. """ desc = {} srcfname, hdrfname, lang, ext = find_source(srcname, sourcedir=sourcedir, language=language) desc['source_filename'] = srcfname desc['header_filename'] = hdrfname desc['language'] = lang desc['language_extension'] = ext desc['metadata_filename'] = '{0}.py'.format(srcname) if tarname is None: desc['pxd_filename'] = desc['pyx_filename'] = \ desc['srcpxd_filename'] = None else: desc['pxd_filename'] = '{0}.pxd'.format(tarname) desc['pyx_filename'] = '{0}.pyx'.format(tarname) desc['srcpxd_filename'] = '{0}_{1}.pxd'.format(ext, tarname) return desc
[docs]def extra_filenames(name): """Returns a diictionary of extra filenames for an API element implemented in a given language and bound into a target. Parameters ---------- name : apiname The API element name. Returns ------- extra : dict Extra filenames. """ extra = {} ext = _lang_exts[name.language] tarbase = name.tarbase if tarbase is None: extra['pxd_filename'] = extra['pyx_filename'] = \ extra['srcpxd_filename'] = None srcbase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name.srcfiles[0]))[0] extra['pxd_base'] = srcbase extra['cpppxd_base'] = '{0}_{1}'.format(ext, srcbase) else: extra['pxd_filename'] = '{0}.pxd'.format(tarbase) extra['pyx_filename'] = '{0}.pyx'.format(tarbase) extra['srcpxd_filename'] = '{0}_{1}.pxd'.format(ext, tarbase) extra['pxd_base'] = tarbase extra['cpppxd_base'] = '{0}_{1}'.format(ext, tarbase) return extra
[docs]def infer_format(filename, format): """Tries to figure out a file format.""" if isinstance(format, basestring): pass elif filename.endswith('.pkl.gz'): format = 'pkl.gz' elif filename.endswith('.pkl'): format = 'pkl' else: raise ValueError("file format could not be determined.") return format
[docs]def sortedbytype(iterable): """Sorts an iterable by types first, then value.""" items = {} for x in iterable: t = type(x).__name__ if t not in items: items[t] = [] items[t].append(x) rtn = [] for t in sorted(items.keys()): rtn.extend(sorted(items[t])) return rtn
nyansep = r'~\_/' * 17 + '~=[,,_,,]:3' """WAT?!"""
[docs]class DescriptionCache(object): """A quick persistent cache for descriptions from files. The keys are (classname, filename, kind) tuples. The values are (hashes-of-the-file, description-dictionary) tuples.""" def __init__(self, cachefile=os.path.join('build', 'desc.cache')): """Parameters ------------- cachefile : str, optional Path to description cachefile. """ self.cachefile = cachefile if os.path.isfile(cachefile): with, 'rb') as f: self.cache = pickle.load(f) else: self.cache = {} def _hash_srcfiles(self, srcfiles): hashes = [] for srcfile in srcfiles: with, 'rb') as f: filebytes = hashes.append(md5(filebytes).hexdigest()) return tuple(hashes)
[docs] def isvalid(self, name, kind): """Boolean on whether the cach value for a (apiname, kind) tuple matches the state of the file on the system.""" key = tuple(name) + (kind,) if key not in self.cache: return False cachehashes = self.cache[key][0] currhashes = self._hash_srcfiles(name.srcfiles) return cachehashes == currhashes
def __getitem__(self, key): if len(key) == 2 and isinstance(key[0], apiname): key = tuple(key[0]) + key[1:] return self.cache[key][1] # return the description only def __setitem__(self, key, value): if len(key) == 2 and isinstance(key[0], apiname): name, kind = key key = tuple(key[0]) + key[1:] else: name, kind = apiname(*key[0]), key[1] currhashes = self._hash_srcfiles(name.srcfiles) self.cache[key] = (currhashes, value) def __delitem__(self, key): del self.cache[key]
[docs] def dump(self): """Writes the cache out to the filesystem.""" if not os.path.exists(self.cachefile): pardir = os.path.split(self.cachefile)[0] if not os.path.exists(pardir): os.makedirs(pardir) with, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.cache, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def __str__(self): return pformat(self.cache)
[docs]def merge_descriptions(descriptions): """Given a sequence of descriptions, in order of increasing precedence, merge them into a single description dictionary.""" attrsmeths = frozenset(['attrs', 'methods', 'signatures']) desc = {} for description in descriptions: for key, value in description.items(): if key not in desc: desc[key] = deepcopy(value) continue if key in attrsmeths: desc[key].update(value) elif key == 'docstrings': for dockey, docvalue in value.items(): if dockey in attrsmeths: desc[key][dockey].update(docvalue) else: desc[key][dockey] = deepcopy(docvalue) else: desc[key] = deepcopy(value) # now sanitize methods name = desc['name']['srcname'] # srcname or tarname? methods = desc.get('methods', {}) for methkey, methval in list(methods.items()): if methval is None: methname = methkey if isinstance(methkey, basestring) else methkey[0] if methname[0].endswith(name): del methods[methkey] return desc
[docs]def flatten(iterable): """Generator which returns flattened version of nested sequences.""" for el in iterable: if isinstance(el, basestring): yield el elif isinstance(el, Iterable): for subel in flatten(el): yield subel else: yield el
[docs]def split_template_args(s, open_brace='<', close_brace='>', separator=','): """Takes a string with template specialization and returns a list of the argument values as strings.""" targs = [] ns = s.split(open_brace, 1)[-1].rsplit(close_brace, 1)[0].split(separator) count = 0 targ_name = '' for n in ns: count += int(open_brace in n) count -= int(close_brace in n) targ_name += n if count == 0: targs.append(targ_name.strip()) targ_name = '' return targs
[docs]def parse_template(s, open_brace='<', close_brace='>', separator=','): """Takes a string -- which may represent a template specialization -- and returns the corresponding type.""" if isinstance(s, int): return s if open_brace not in s and close_brace not in s: return s t = [s.split(open_brace, 1)[0].split('::')[-1]] targs = split_template_args(s, open_brace=open_brace, close_brace=close_brace, separator=separator) for targ in targs: t.append(parse_template(targ, open_brace=open_brace, close_brace=close_brace, separator=separator)) t.append(0) return tuple(t) # # Memoization #
[docs]def ishashable(x): """Tests if a value is hashable.""" if isinstance(x, Hashable): if isinstance(x, basestring): return True elif isinstance(x, Iterable): return all(map(ishashable, x)) else: return True else: return False
[docs]def memoize(obj): """Generic memoziation decorator based off of code from . This is not suitabe for method caching. """ cache = obj.cache = {} @functools.wraps(obj) def memoizer(*args, **kwargs): key = (args, tuple(sorted(kwargs.items()))) hashable = ishashable(key) if hashable: if key not in cache: cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs) return cache[key] else: return obj(*args, **kwargs) return memoizer
[docs]class memoize_method(object): """Decorator suitable for memoizing methods, rather than functions and classes. This is based off of code that may be found at This code was originally released under the MIT license. """ def __init__(self, meth): self.meth = meth def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj is None: return self.meth p = functools.partial(self, obj) p.__doc__ = self.meth.__doc__ p.__name__ = self.meth.__name__ return p def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): obj = args[0] cache = obj._cache = getattr(obj, '_cache', {}) key = (self.meth, args[1:], tuple(sorted(kwargs.items()))) hashable = ishashable(key) if hashable: if key not in cache: cache[key] = self.meth(*args, **kwargs) return cache[key] else: return self.meth(*args, **kwargs) # # API Name Tuples and Functions #
[docs]class apiname(namedtuple('apiname', ['srcname', 'srcfiles', 'tarbase', 'tarname', 'incfiles', 'sidecars', 'language'])): """apiname(srcname=NotSpecified, srcfiles=NotSpecified, tarbase=NotSpecified, tarname=NotSpecified, incfiles=NotSpecified, sidecars=NotSpecified, language=NotSpecified) This is a type, based on a named tuple, that represents the API element names and is used to declare or discover where variables, functions, and classes live for the rest of xdress. All of the fields default to NotSpecified if not given. These feilds are the sames as what appear in description dictionaries under the 'name' key. Parameters ---------- srcname : str, tuple, or NotSpecified The element's API name in the original source code, eg. MyClass. srcfiles : str, tuple of str, or NotSpecified This is a sequence of unique strings which represents the file paths where the API element *may* be defined. For example, ('myfile.c', 'myfile.h'). If the element is defined outside of these files, then the automatic discovery or description may fail. When using ensure_apiname(), all strings are automatically globbed, so 'src/myfile.*' will be converted to ('src/myfile.c', 'src/myfile.h'). Since these files are parsed they must actually exist on the filesystem. tarbase : str or NotSpecified The base portion of all automatically generated (target) files. This does not include the directory or the file extension. For example, if you wanted cythongen to create a file name 'mynewfile.pyx' then the value here would be simply 'mynewfile'. tarname : str, tuple, or NotSpecified The element's API name in the automatically generated (target) files, e.g. MyNewClass. incfiles : tuple of str or NotSpecified This is a sequence of all files which must be #include'd to access the srcname at compile time. This should be as minimal of a set as possible, preferably only one file. For example even though most HDF5 API declarations are split across multiple files, to use the public API you only ever need to include 'hdf5.h'. Because these files are not parsed they do not need to exist for xdress to run. Thus the strings in incfiles are not globbed. sidecars : str, tuple of str, or NotSpecified This is a sequence of all sidecar files to use for this API element. Like srcfiles, these files must exist for xdress to run. They similarly globbed. For example, ''. language : str or NotSpecified Flag for the language that the srcfiles are implemented in. Valid options are: 'c', 'c++', 'f', 'fortran', 'f77', 'f90', 'python', and 'cython'. See Also -------- ensure_apiname """ def __new__(cls, srcname=NotSpecified, srcfiles=NotSpecified, tarbase=NotSpecified, tarname=NotSpecified, incfiles=NotSpecified, sidecars=NotSpecified, language=NotSpecified): return super(apiname, cls).__new__(cls, srcname, srcfiles, tarbase, tarname, incfiles, sidecars, language)
notspecified_apiname = apiname(*([NotSpecified]*len(apiname._fields))) def _ensure_srcfiles(inp): """This ensures that srcsfiles is a tuple of filenames that has been expanded out and the files actually exist on the file system. """ if isinstance(inp, basestring): inp = (inp,) out = [] for f in inp: if os.path.isfile(f): out.append(f) else: out += sorted([x for x in glob.glob(f) if x not in out]) return tuple(out) def _guess_base(srcfiles, default=None): """Guesses the base name for target files from source file names, or failing that, a default value.""" basefiles = [os.path.basename(f) for f in srcfiles] basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.commonprefix(basefiles))[0] if len(basename) == 0: basename = default return basename def _guess_incfiles(srcfiles): """This function guess potential include files from the headers that are present in the source files. """ incs = [s for s in srcfiles if os.path.splitext(s)[-1][1:] in _hdr_exts] return tuple(incs) def _ensure_incfiles(inp): """This ensures that incfiles is a tuple of unique filenames. This does not test that the files actually exist on the file system nor glob the filenames. """ if isinstance(inp, basestring): inp = (inp,) if inp is NotSpecified or inp is None: inp = () out = [] for f in inp: if not isinstance(f, basestring): raise ValueError("{0!r} must be a string.".format(f)) if f not in out: out.append(f) return tuple(out) @memoize
[docs]def find_sidecar(filename): """Finds the sidecar for a filename, if it exists. Otherwise returns None.""" sc = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.py' sc = sc if os.path.isfile(sc) else None return sc
def _guess_sidecars(srcfiles): """Gueses the sidecar file names from the source file names.""" scs = set(find_sidecar(f) for f in srcfiles) scs.discard(None) return tuple(sorted(scs)) def _find_language(lang, srcfiles): """Tries to discover the canonical language that the srcfiles are implmenetd in.""" if isinstance(lang, basestring): lang = lang.lower() if lang not in _lang_exts: raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid language'.format(lang)) return lang langs = set(map(guess_language, srcfiles)) if len(langs) == 1: return langs.pop() for precedent in ['cython', 'c++', 'c', 'f90','f77', 'f', 'fortran', 'python']: if precedent in langs: return precedent else: raise ValueError("no valid language was found.")
[docs]def ensure_apiname(name): """Takes user input and returns the corresponding apiname named tuple. If the name is already an apiname instance with no NotSpecified fields, this does not make a copy. """ # ensure is a valid apiname if isinstance(name, apiname): pass elif isinstance(name, Sequence): name = notspecified_apiname._replace(**dict(zip(apiname._fields, name))) elif isinstance(name, Mapping): name = apiname(**name) # ensure fields are not NotSpecified updates = {} if name.srcname is NotSpecified: raise ValueError("apiname.srcname cannot be unspecified") if name.srcfiles is NotSpecified: raise ValueError("apiname.srcfiles cannot be unspecified: {0}".format(name)) updates['srcfiles'] = _ensure_srcfiles(name.srcfiles) if name.tarname is NotSpecified: updates['tarname'] = name.srcname if name.tarbase is NotSpecified: updates['tarbase'] = _guess_base(updates['srcfiles'], updates.get('tarname', name.tarname)) if name.incfiles is NotSpecified: updates['incfiles'] = _guess_incfiles(updates['srcfiles']) updates['incfiles'] = _ensure_incfiles(updates.get('incfiles', name.incfiles)) if name.sidecars is NotSpecified: updates['sidecars'] = _guess_sidecars(updates['srcfiles']) updates['sidecars'] = _ensure_srcfiles(updates.get('sidecars', name.sidecars)) if name.language not in _lang_exts: updates['language'] = _find_language(name.language, updates['srcfiles']) ensured = name._replace(**updates) return name if name == ensured else ensured