"""Generates cython wrapper classes and converter functions for standard library
containters to the associated python types.
This module is available as an xdress plugin by the name ``xdress.stlwrap``.
:author: Anthony Scopatz <scopatz@gmail.com>
C++ STL Wrapper API
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import pprint
from .utils import newoverwrite, newcopyover, ensuredirs, indent, indentstr, \
RunControl, NotSpecified
from .plugins import Plugin
from .typesystem import TypeSystem
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
basestring = str
testvals = {
'char': ["m", "e", "t", "l"],
'str': ["Aha", "Take", "Me", "On"],
'int32': [1, 42, -65, 18],
'bool': [True, False, False, True],
'uint32': [1, 65, 4294967295, 42],
'float32': [1.0, 42.42, -65.5555, 18],
'float64': [1.0, 42.42, -65.5555, 18],
'complex128': [1.0, 42+42j, -65.55-1j, 0.18j],
for t, tval in list(testvals.items()):
testvals[('set', t, 0)] = list(map(set, [tval, tval[::-1], tval[::2]*2,
testvals[('vector', t, 0)] = [tval, tval[::-1], tval[::2]*2, tval[1::2]*2]
items = list(testvals.items())
for t, tval in items:
tval = list(map(tuple, tval)) if isinstance(tval[0], list) else tval
tval = list(map(frozenset, tval)) if isinstance(tval[0], set) else tval
for u, uval in items:
testvals[('map', t, u, 0)] = [dict(zip(tval, uval)),
dict(zip(tval[::-1], uval[::-1])),
dict(zip(tval[::2]*2, uval[::2]*2)),
dict(zip(tval[1::2]*2, uval[1::2]*2))]
del t, u, tval, uval, items
# Sets
_pyxset = '''# Set{clsname}
cdef class _SetIter{clsname}(object):
cdef void init(self, cpp_set[{ctype}] * set_ptr):
cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator * itn = <cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator *> malloc(sizeof(set_ptr.begin()))
itn[0] = set_ptr.begin()
self.iter_now = itn
cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator * ite = <cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator *> malloc(sizeof(set_ptr.end()))
ite[0] = set_ptr.end()
self.iter_end = ite
def __dealloc__(self):
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator inow = deref(self.iter_now)
cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator iend = deref(self.iter_end)
if inow != iend:
pyval = {c2pyrtn}
raise StopIteration
return pyval
cdef class _Set{clsname}:
def __cinit__(self, new_set=True, bint free_set=True):
cdef {ctype} s
cdef cpp_set[{ctype}] * set_ptr
# Decide how to init set, if at all
if isinstance(new_set, _Set{clsname}):
self.set_ptr = (<_Set{clsname}> new_set).set_ptr
elif isinstance(new_set, np.generic) and np.PyArray_DescrFromScalar(new_set).type_num == {set_cython_nptype}:
# scalars are copies, sadly not views, so we need to re-copy
if self.set_ptr == NULL:
self.set_ptr = new cpp_set[{ctype}]()
np.PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(new_set, &set_ptr)
self.set_ptr[0] = set_ptr[0]
elif hasattr(new_set, '__iter__') or \\
(hasattr(new_set, '__len__') and
hasattr(new_set, '__getitem__')):
self.set_ptr = new cpp_set[{ctype}]()
for value in new_set:
s = {py2crtn}
elif bool(new_set):
self.set_ptr = new cpp_set[{ctype}]()
# Store free_set
self._free_set = free_set
def __dealloc__(self):
if self._free_set:
del self.set_ptr
def __contains__(self, value):
cdef {ctype} s
if {isinst}:
s = {py2crtn}
return False
if 0 < self.set_ptr.count(s):
return True
return False
def __len__(self):
return self.set_ptr.size()
def __iter__(self):
cdef _SetIter{clsname} si = _SetIter{clsname}()
return si
def add(self, value):
cdef {ctype} v
v = {py2crtn}
def discard(self, value):
cdef {ctype} v
if value in self:
v = {py2crtn}
class Set{clsname}(_Set{clsname}, collections.Set):
"""Wrapper class for C++ standard library sets of type <{humname}>.
Provides set like interface on the Python level.
new_set : bool or set-like
Boolean on whether to make a new set or not, or set-like object
with values which are castable to the appropriate type.
free_set : bool
Flag for whether the pointer to the C++ set should be deallocated
when the wrapper is dereferenced.
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return "set([" + ", ".join([repr(i) for i in self]) + "])"
[docs]def genpyx_set(t, ts):
"""Returns the pyx snippet for a set of type t."""
t = ts.canon(t)
kw = dict(clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], humname=ts.humanname(t)[1],
ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), pytype=ts.cython_pytype(t),
fpt = ts.from_pytypes[t]
kw['isinst'] = " or ".join(["isinstance(value, {0})".format(x) for x in fpt])
c2pykeys = ['c2pydecl', 'c2pybody', 'c2pyrtn']
c2py = ts.cython_c2py('inow', t, existing_name="deref(inow)", cached=False)
kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(c2pykeys, c2py)])
py2ckeys = ['py2cdecl', 'py2cbody', 'py2crtn']
py2c = ts.cython_py2c("value", t)
kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(py2ckeys, py2c)])
kw['set_cython_nptype'] = ts.cython_nptype(('set', t, 0))
return _pyxset.format(**kw)
_pxdset = """# Set{clsname}
cdef class _SetIter{clsname}(object):
cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator * iter_now
cdef cpp_set[{ctype}].iterator * iter_end
cdef void init(_SetIter{clsname}, cpp_set[{ctype}] *)
cdef class _Set{clsname}:
cdef cpp_set[{ctype}] * set_ptr
cdef public bint _free_set
[docs]def genpxd_set(t, ts):
"""Returns the pxd snippet for a set of type t."""
return _pxdset.format(clsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t))
_testset = """# Set{clsname}
def test_set_{fncname}():
s = {stlcontainers}.Set{clsname}()
assert_true({0} in s)
assert_true({2} not in s)
s = {stlcontainers}.Set{clsname}([{0}, {1}, {2}])
assert_true({1} in s)
assert_true({3} not in s)
[docs]def gentest_set(t, ts):
"""Returns the test snippet for a set of type t."""
t = ts.canon(t)
if t not in testvals:
return ""
return _testset.format(*[repr(i) for i in testvals[t]],
# Maps
_pyxmap = '''# Map({tclsname}, {uclsname})
cdef class _MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname}(object):
cdef void init(self, cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}] * map_ptr):
cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator * itn = <cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator *> malloc(sizeof(map_ptr.begin()))
itn[0] = map_ptr.begin()
self.iter_now = itn
cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator * ite = <cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator *> malloc(sizeof(map_ptr.end()))
ite[0] = map_ptr.end()
self.iter_end = ite
def __dealloc__(self):
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator inow = deref(self.iter_now)
cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator iend = deref(self.iter_end)
if inow != iend:
pyval = {tc2pyrtn}
raise StopIteration
return pyval
cdef class _Map{tclsname}{uclsname}:
def __cinit__(self, new_map=True, bint free_map=True):
cdef pair[{tctype}, {uctype}] item
cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}] * map_ptr
# Decide how to init map, if at all
if isinstance(new_map, _Map{tclsname}{uclsname}):
self.map_ptr = (<_Map{tclsname}{uclsname}> new_map).map_ptr
elif isinstance(new_map, np.generic) and np.PyArray_DescrFromScalar(new_map).type_num == {map_cython_nptype}:
# scalars are copies, sadly not views, so we need to re-copy
if self.map_ptr == NULL:
self.map_ptr = new cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}]()
np.PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(new_map, &map_ptr)
self.map_ptr[0] = map_ptr[0]
elif hasattr(new_map, 'items'):
self.map_ptr = new cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}]()
for key, value in new_map.items():
item = pair[{tctype}, {uctype}]({tpy2crtn}, {upy2crtn})
elif hasattr(new_map, '__len__'):
self.map_ptr = new cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}]()
for key, value in new_map:
item = pair[{tctype}, {uctype}]({tpy2crtn}, {upy2crtn})
elif bool(new_map):
self.map_ptr = new cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}]()
# Store free_map
self._free_map = free_map
def __dealloc__(self):
if self._free_map:
del self.map_ptr
def __contains__(self, key):
cdef {tctype} k
if {tisnotinst}:
return False
k = {tpy2crtn}
if 0 < self.map_ptr.count(k):
return True
return False
def __len__(self):
return self.map_ptr.size()
def __iter__(self):
cdef _MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname} mi = _MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname}()
return mi
def __getitem__(self, key):
cdef {tctype} k
cdef {uctype} v
if {tisnotinst}:
raise TypeError("Only {thumname} keys are valid.")
k = {tpy2crtn}
if 0 < self.map_ptr.count(k):
v = deref(self.map_ptr)[k]
return {uc2pyrtn}
raise KeyError
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
cdef pair[{tctype}, {uctype}] item
item = pair[{tctype}, {uctype}]({tpy2crtn}, {upy2crtn})
if 0 < self.map_ptr.count({tpy2crtn}):
def __delitem__(self, key):
cdef {tctype} k
if key in self:
k = {tpy2crtn}
class Map{tclsname}{uclsname}(_Map{tclsname}{uclsname}, collections.MutableMapping):
"""Wrapper class for C++ standard library maps of type <{thumname}, {uhumname}>.
Provides dictionary like interface on the Python level.
new_map : bool or dict-like
Boolean on whether to make a new map or not, or dict-like object
with keys and values which are castable to the appropriate type.
free_map : bool
Flag for whether the pointer to the C++ map should be deallocated
when the wrapper is dereferenced.
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return "{{" + ", ".join(["{{0}}: {{1}}".format(repr(key), repr(value)) for key, value in self.items()]) + "}}"
[docs]def genpyx_map(t, u, ts):
"""Returns the pyx snippet for a map of type <t, u>."""
t = ts.canon(t)
u = ts.canon(u)
kw = dict(tclsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1], uclsname=ts.cython_classname(u)[1],
thumname=ts.humanname(t)[1], uhumname=ts.humanname(u)[1],
tctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), uctype=ts.cython_ctype(u),
tpytype=ts.cython_pytype(t), upytype=ts.cython_pytype(u),
tcytype=ts.cython_cytype(t), ucytype=ts.cython_cytype(u),)
tisnotinst = ["not isinstance(key, {0})".format(x) for x in ts.from_pytypes[t]]
kw['tisnotinst'] = " and ".join(tisnotinst)
tc2pykeys = ['tc2pydecl', 'tc2pybody', 'tc2pyrtn']
tc2py = ts.cython_c2py('inow_first', t, existing_name="deref(inow).first",
kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(tc2pykeys, tc2py)])
uc2pykeys = ['uc2pydecl', 'uc2pybody', 'uc2pyrtn']
uc2py = ts.cython_c2py("v", u, cached=False,
kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(uc2pykeys, uc2py)])
tpy2ckeys = ['tpy2cdecl', 'tpy2cbody', 'tpy2crtn']
tpy2c = ts.cython_py2c("key", t)
kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(tpy2ckeys, tpy2c)])
upy2ckeys = ['upy2cdecl', 'upy2cbody', 'upy2crtn']
upy2c = ts.cython_py2c("value", u)
kw.update([(k, indentstr(v or '')) for k, v in zip(upy2ckeys, upy2c)])
kw['map_cython_nptype'] = ts.cython_nptype(('map', t, u, 0))
return _pyxmap.format(**kw)
_pxdmap = """# Map{tclsname}{uclsname}
cdef class _MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname}(object):
cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator * iter_now
cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}].iterator * iter_end
cdef void init(_MapIter{tclsname}{uclsname}, cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}] *)
cdef class _Map{tclsname}{uclsname}:
cdef cpp_map[{tctype}, {uctype}] * map_ptr
cdef public bint _free_map
[docs]def genpxd_map(t, u, ts):
"""Returns the pxd snippet for a set of type t."""
t = ts.canon(t)
u = ts.canon(u)
return _pxdmap.format(tclsname=ts.cython_classname(t)[1],
thumname=ts.humanname(t)[1], uhumname=ts.humanname(u)[1],
tctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), uctype=ts.cython_ctype(u),)
_testmap = """# Map{tclsname}{uclsname}
def test_map_{tfncname}_{ufncname}():
m = {stlcontainers}.Map{tclsname}{uclsname}()
uismap = isinstance({5}, Mapping)
m[{0}] = {4}
m[{1}] = {5}
import pprint
assert_equal(len(m), 2)
if uismap:
for key, value in m[{1}].items():
print(key, value, {5}[key])
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
assert{array}_equal(value, {5}[key])
assert_equal(value, {5}[key])
assert{array}_equal(m[{1}], {5})
m = {stlcontainers}.Map{tclsname}{uclsname}({{{2}: {6}, {3}: {7}}})
assert_equal(len(m), 2)
if uismap:
for key, value in m[{2}].items():
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
print(key, value, {6}[key])
assert{array}_equal(value, {6}[key])
assert_equal(value, {6}[key])
assert{array}_equal(m[{2}], {6})
n = {stlcontainers}.Map{tclsname}{uclsname}(m, False)
assert_equal(len(n), 2)
if uismap:
for key, value in m[{2}].items():
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
assert{array}_equal(value, {6}[key])
assert_equal(value, {6}[key])
assert{array}_equal(m[{2}], {6})
# points to the same underlying map
n[{1}] = {5}
if uismap:
for key, value in m[{1}].items():
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
assert{array}_equal(value, {5}[key])
assert_equal(value, {5}[key])
assert{array}_equal(m[{1}], {5})
[docs]def gentest_map(t, u, ts):
"""Returns the test snippet for a map of type t."""
t = ts.canon(t)
u = ts.canon(u)
if t not in testvals or u not in testvals:
return ""
ulowt = u
ulowu = u
while ulowu[-1] == 0:
ulowt, ulowu = ulowu[-3:-1]
a = '_array' if ulowt == 'vector' else ''
a += '_almost' if ulowu not in ['str', 'char'] else ''
if a != '' and "NPY_" not in ts.cython_nptype(ulowu):
return ""
return _testmap.format(*[repr(i) for i in testvals[t] + testvals[u][::-1]],
array=a, stlcontainers=ts.stlcontainers)
# Vectors
_pyxvector = """# {ctype} vector
[docs]def genpyx_vector(t, ts):
"""Returns the pyx snippet for a vector of type t."""
t = ts.canon(t)
kw = dict(ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), )
return _pyxvector.format(**kw)
_pxdvector = """# {ctype} vector
[docs]def genpxd_vector(t, ts):
"""Returns the pxd snippet for a vector of type t."""
t = ts.canon(t)
kw = dict(ctype=ts.cython_ctype(t), )
return _pxdvector.format(**kw)
_testvector = """# Vector {clsname}
[docs]def gentest_vector(t, ts):
"""Returns the test snippet for a set of type t."""
t = ts.canon(t)
if ('vector', t, 0) in testvals:
s = _testvector.format(*[repr(i) for i in testvals['vector', t, 0]],
s = ""
return s
# Controlers
_pyxheader = """###################
### WARNING!!! ###
# This file has been autogenerated
# Cython imports
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
from cython.operator cimport preincrement as inc
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
from libc.string cimport memcpy
from libcpp.string cimport string as std_string
from libcpp.utility cimport pair
from libcpp.map cimport map as cpp_map
from libcpp.set cimport set as cpp_set
from libcpp cimport bool as cpp_bool
from libcpp.vector cimport vector as cpp_vector
from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION
# Python Imports
import collections
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
cimport {extra_types}
# Cython Imports For Types
# Imports For Types
basestring = str
# Dirty ifdef, else, else preprocessor hack
# see http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.cython.user/4080
cdef extern from *:
cdef void emit_ifpy2k "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 //" ()
cdef void emit_ifpy3k "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 //" ()
cdef void emit_else "#else //" ()
cdef void emit_endif "#endif //" ()
def genpyx(template, header=None, ts=None):
ts = ts or TypeSystem()
"""Returns a string of a pyx file representing the given template."""
pyxfuncs = dict([(k[7:], v) for k, v in globals().items() \
if k.startswith('genpyx_') and callable(v)])
pyx = _pyxheader if header is None else header
with ts.swap_stlcontainers(None):
import_tups = set()
cimport_tups = set()
for t in template:
for arg in t[1:]:
ts.cython_import_tuples(arg, import_tups)
ts.cython_cimport_tuples(arg, cimport_tups)
imports = "\n".join(ts.cython_import_lines(import_tups))
cimports = "\n".join(ts.cython_cimport_lines(cimport_tups))
pyx = pyx.format(extra_types=ts.extra_types, cimports=cimports,
for t in template:
pyx += pyxfuncs[t[0]](*t[1:], ts=ts) + "\n\n"
return pyx
_pxdheader = """###################
### WARNING!!! ###
# This file has been autogenerated
# Cython imports
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
from cython.operator cimport preincrement as inc
from libcpp.string cimport string as std_string
from libcpp.utility cimport pair
from libcpp.map cimport map as cpp_map
from libcpp.set cimport set as cpp_set
from libcpp.vector cimport vector as cpp_vector
from libcpp cimport bool as cpp_bool
from libc cimport stdio
from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION
from cpython.ref cimport PyTypeObject, Py_INCREF, Py_XDECREF
# Python Imports
cimport numpy as np
# Local imports
cimport {extra_types}
cimport numpy as np
# Cython Imports For Types
[docs]def genpxd(template, header=None, ts=None):
"""Returns a string of a pxd file representing the given template."""
ts = ts or TypeSystem()
pxdfuncs = dict([(k[7:], v) for k, v in globals().items() \
if k.startswith('genpxd_') and callable(v)])
pxd = _pxdheader if header is None else header
with ts.swap_stlcontainers(None):
cimport_tups = set()
for t in template:
for arg in t[1:]:
ts.cython_cimport_tuples(arg, cimport_tups, set(['c']))
cimports = "\n".join(ts.cython_cimport_lines(cimport_tups))
pxd = pxd.format(extra_types=ts.extra_types, cimports=cimports)
for t in template:
pxd += pxdfuncs[t[0]](*t[1:], ts=ts) + "\n\n"
return pxd
_testheader = '''"""Tests the part of stlconverters that is accessible from Python."""
### WARNING!!! ###
# This file has been autogenerated
from __future__ import print_function
from unittest import TestCase
import nose
from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_not_equal, assert_raises, raises, \\
assert_almost_equal, assert_true, assert_false, assert_in
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal
import os
import numpy as np
from collections import Container, Mapping
from {package} import {stlcontainers}
_testfooter = '''if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs]def gentest(template, header=None, package='..', ts=None):
"""Returns a string of a test file representing the given template."""
ts = ts or TypeSystem()
testfuncs = dict([(k[8:], v) for k, v in globals().items() \
if k.startswith('gentest_') and callable(v)])
test = _testheader if header is None else header
test = test.format(stlcontainers=ts.stlcontainers, package=package)
for t in template:
test += testfuncs[t[0]](*t[1:], ts=ts) + "\n\n"
test += _testfooter
return test
[docs]def genfiles(template, fname='temp', pxdname=None, testname=None,
pyxheader=None, pxdheader=None, testheader=None, package='..',
ts=None, verbose=False):
"""Generates all cython source files needed to create the wrapper."""
ts = ts or TypeSystem()
# munge some filenames
fname = fname[:-4] if fname.endswith('.pyx') else fname
pxdname = fname if pxdname is None else pxdname
pxdname = pxdname + '.pxd' if not pxdname.endswith('.pxd') else pxdname
testname = 'test_' + fname if testname is None else testname
testname = testname + '.py' if not testname.endswith('.py') else testname
fname += '.pyx'
pyx = genpyx(template, pyxheader, ts=ts)
pxd = genpxd(template, pxdheader, ts=ts)
test = gentest(template, testheader, package, ts=ts)
newoverwrite(pyx, fname, verbose)
newoverwrite(pxd, pxdname, verbose)
newoverwrite(test, testname, verbose)
# XDress Plugin
[docs]class XDressPlugin(Plugin):
"""This class provides extra type functionality for xdress."""
requires = ('xdress.base', 'xdress.extratypes', 'xdress.dtypes')
defaultrc = RunControl(
#stlcontainers_module='stlcontainers', # Moved to base plugin
rcdocs = {
"stlcontainers": "List of C++ standard library containers to wrap.",
"make_stlcontainers": ("Flag for enabling / disabling creating the "
"C++ standard library container wrappers."),
def update_argparser(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--make-stlcontainers', action='store_true',
dest='make_stlcontainers', help="make C++ STL container wrappers")
parser.add_argument('--no-make-stlcontainers', action='store_false',
dest='make_stlcontainers', help="don't make C++ STL container wrappers")
def setup(self, rc):
print("stlwrap: registering C++ standard library types")
ts = rc.ts
# register dtypes
for t in rc.stlcontainers:
if t[0] == 'vector' and t[1] not in rc.dtypes:
def execute(self, rc):
if not rc.make_stlcontainers:
print("stlwrap: generating C++ standard library wrappers & converters")
fname = os.path.join(rc.packagedir, rc.stlcontainers_module)
testname = 'test_' + rc.stlcontainers_module
testname = os.path.join(rc.packagedir, 'tests', testname)
genfiles(rc.stlcontainers, fname=fname, testname=testname, package=rc.package,
ts=rc.ts, verbose=rc.verbose)